[02] Benefits of Employee Engagement

Benefits of Employee Engagement

Employee’s engagement with different levels. Some are seriously engaged but others are not. Employees are engaged on three distinct levels, according to Gallup (2013), a consulting firm. They are divided into three categories: engaged, disengaged, and actively disengaged. According to Gallup (2013), actively disengaged workers are more hazardous than disengaged employees. Also, Employee engagement is classified into five categories: actively/highly engaged, engaged, moderately engaged, disengaged, and aggressively disengaged. (Keppetipola and Iddagoda,2021)

(Employee Engagement, 2019)

If the organization's employees are well engaged with their jobs, it will generate a lot of benefits for the organisation. Organisation success is based on their employee's performance, employee engagement creates a positive work environment, increases the productivity of the organization, improves staff retention, enhances capabilities through knowledge sharing and teamwork as well and it will finally create customer satisfaction.


 (Website-files.com, 2023)


Positive work environment- engaged employees create a positive work culture. They build better teamwork and collaboration. It is the way of value creation for the organization's success. When employees help and support each other it's easier to achieve organizational goals.

Increase productivity- When employees are more focused on their tasks and provide their commitment to the organization's ROI. The productivity of organizational tasks highly depends on employees' feelings about their job.

“Once employees are committed, motivated and satisfied, this ultimately leads to high employee performance which translates to high organisational performance as well” (Croswell, 2017)

(Synergita Blogosphere, 2015)

Cost savings - “Employees who aren’t engaged with their work are likely to look elsewhere. And since it costs one-half to twice an employee’s annual salary to replace them—not to mention the less tangible impacts on staff morale and productivity—focusing on employee engagement can produce major cost savings for organizations.” (Friedman, 2022)

Higher retention rate- If the employees are more satisfied with their work environment, they are more likely to engage with their tasks, it will leads to lower turnover ratio.

Employee  engagement  encourages high

employee  retention  as  the  employees  will  be  passionate  to  do  their  work  and  motivated  to  stay  in  the  organisation

(Babakus, Yavas  and Karatepe, 2017)

“Employee engagement encourages high employee  retention  as  the  employees  will  be  passionate  to  do  their  work  and  motivated  to  stay  in  the  organization” (Babakus, Yavas  and Karatepe, 2017)

Leads for innovation – Employees are working in a friendly environment, and their minds are with freedom and ability to creative thinking. They find the best solutions, and options during their job roll. Employees apply  maximum effort when they have confidence in the value  of  their job, their team and their organisation as well; when they believe the organisation is serving their self-interests (Jordan, 2011)

Better customer satisfaction – Well-engaged employees create the highest customer satisfaction. Employees use their knowledge and creative ideas while they present their products and services to customers and will achieve a better experience.

Decreased Burnout - Burnouts are manifested by low motivation and lack of connection to the job. These two aspects may result from low engagement and uncontrolled pressure. As per research by McKinsey & Company (2021), an incredible 49% of workers reported some cases of burnout. By boosting employee engagement, we may prevent employees from reaching a point where recovery is impossible.

Greater Employee Commitment- Besides higher production, working employees who are involved show greater commitment to their company’s long-term future. This implies that they will spend their efforts on those difficult-to-quantify but impactful objectives. They could, for instance, be training new workers or developing improved procedures of production.


Therefore, there are numerous advantages of employee engagement which make it very significant for an effective working environment within organizations. Engaged, not just committed employees lead directly to a better workplace environment, improved employee productivity, and cost reduction as they form part of the collaborative fabric at the workplace in totality. It has been proved that the more engaged employees are, the lesser the number of employee turnovers and therefore lower recruitment costs. In addition, engaged minds create innovative capabilities, which promote organizational growth while positive effect on customers ensuring the link between employee involvement and business achievements. This phenomenon underscores the fact that an invested workforce does not represent luxury but rather a bedrock for ongoing engagement and durability. In the ever-changing marketplace where organizations operate today, employee engagement is essential since it affects how employees work and their contribution towards an organization’s profitability.


Synergita Blogosphere. (2015). Employee Engagement, Higher productivity. [online] Available at: https://www.synergita.com/blog/4-steps-to-achieve-21-higher-productivity-employee-engagement/[Accessed 3 Dec. 2023].
Gallup (2013). State of the Global Workplace 2013 | Gallup Topic. [online] www.gallup.com. Available at: https://www.gallup.com/topic/state_of_the_global_workplace_2013.aspx [Accessed 3 Dec. 2023].
‌Keppetipola, M. and Iddagoda, A. (2021). Nature of Employee Engagement: Rethinking its Levels. Labor et Educatio, 9, pp.103–125. doi:https://doi.org/10.4467/25439561le.21.007.15361. [Accessed 3 Dec. 2023].
‌Friedman, J. (2022). Why Employee Engagement Is Important: 16 Benefits. [online] Emeritus - Online Certificate Courses | Diploma Programs. Available at: https://emeritus.org/blog/why-employee-engagement-is-important-benefits/.[Accessed 3 Dec. 2023].
McKinsey & Company (2021). Employee burnout is ubiquitous, alarming--and still underreported | McKinsey & Company. [online] www.mckinsey.com. Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/sustainable-inclusive-growth/chart-of-the-day/employee-burnout-is-ubiquitous-alarming-and-still-underreported. [Accessed 3 Dec. 2023].

The Benefits of Employee Engagement (2019). The Benefits of Employee Engagement. [online] YouTube. Available at: https://youtu.be/rAO4o4mm5CU. [Accessed 3 Dec. 2023].


  1. What are the various degrees of employee engagement, and why should we distinguish different levels?

  2. To understand the different levels of commitment and connection employees have with their work, employee engagement is often categorized into tiers. According to Gallup (2013), employees can be classified into three categories: engaged, disengaged, and actively disengaged. Committed, passionate and in like with their work-employees that are engaged. Disinterested employees are insouciant; they will do their jobs, but without passion. But actively disengaged employees are not only indifferent, they may even attempt to destroy the workplace environment.
    For organizations, it is important to distinguish between these levels so that they can find areas where improvement is needed. For example, actively disengaged employees can have an even greater negative impact on the workplace than simply disengaged ones. By identifying the three levels of engagement, organizations can develop strategies to increase overall involvement and counteract disengagement's adverse effects.

    1. Gallup (2013). State of the Global Workplace 2013 | Gallup Topic. [online] www.gallup.com. Available at: https://www.gallup.com/topic/state_of_the_global_workplace_2013.aspx [Accessed 3 Dec. 2023].

  3. How does employee engagement save costs for an organization?

    1. There are many ways in which employee involvement can save an organization a great deal of money.

      a. Reduced Turnover Costs: The result is lower turnover. Because the cost of replacing an employee can be anywhere from one-half to twice their annual salary, cutting turnover saves money.

      b. Increased Productivity: More focused and committed, engaged workers are more productive. Increased productivity implies that organizations can accomplish objectives more economically, without requiring any additional resources.

      c. Prevention of Burnout: Usually connected with diminishing interest and motivation, burnout can result in increased absenteeism or lessened productivity. Allowing employees to enjoy what they do prevents burnout, which saves organizations money in health-care costs and lost productivity.

      d. Enhanced Innovation: An engaged employee is more willing to come up with creative ideas and innovative solutions. This can create more streamlined processes and efficiencies, which could ultimately result in lower costs of operations.

      To sum up, employee engagement has a positive effect on many areas of organizational performance. This contributes to reduced costs in recruitment, productivity and health; and helps reduce innovation-related business risk while improving the sustainability of innovative development itself, which exposes organizations both to increased taxation as well as investment where there is high scientific quality but low commercialization rate at a time when industrial competition.

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